Free Download Kamasutra Book In Urdu Language ((TOP))

Free Download Kamasutra Book In Urdu Language ((TOP))

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Free Download Kamasutra Book In Urdu Language

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Compact set on $L^p(0,1)$ space

The following is the question in my textbook:
Let $0 < p \leq \infty$ and let $X$ be the space of $L^p$ functions $f$ that satisfy the integral equation:
f(x) = \left( \int_0^1f(x-y)g(y)dy \right)g(x)
for some fixed $g \in L^q$ with $1/p + 1/q = 1$. Suppose $g$ does not decay too fast at zero.
Show that the closed unit ball in $X$ is compact.
My attempt:
By Banach-Alaoglu, we can find a subsequence $f_{n_k}$ of $f_n$ converging weakly to some $f$. If the limit is the zero function, the problem is solved. Otherwise, the net $g_{n_k}(x) = \left( \int_0^1f_{n_k}(x-y)g(y)dy \right)g_{n_k}(x)$ converges pointwise to some function, say $h$. To show that $h = g$, I used the fact that $h(x) = h(1)g(x)$ and the triangle inequality to conclude that $h(x) = g(x)$ for a.e. $x \in [0,1]$. But from this I can only conclude that $f_{n_k}$ converges weakly to a function $f$ such that $f(x) = g(x)$. I am also struggling to show that $f$ is continuous. Any


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// found in the LICENSE file.



* Browser Download Manger used by DownloadJob.
public interface DownloadManager {
* Starts auto-delete.
* When auto-delete is started, any new downloads start downloading to a temporary location and then
* deleted when they finish. In most cases, this is the same location the
* download was created in.
void startAutoDelete();

* Stops auto-delete.
void stopAutoDelete();

* Gets whether auto-delete is started.
boolean isAutoDeleteStarted();

* Gets auto-delete download manager instance.
AutoDeleteDownloadManager getAutoDeleteManager();

* Gets the DownloadTask for the specified download.
DownloadTask getDownloadTask(DownloadInfo downloadInfo);

* Cancels the specified DownloadTask.
void cancelDownloadTask(DownloadTask task);

* Starts the specified DownloadTask.
* @param downloadInfo the download info for the download task to start.

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